Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Angela and Deron have welcomed Savannah Marie Emerson into the world at 11.22 PM on May 21, 2007. It was a very emotional day for them, Savannah was born at 25 weeks and 3 days. Not sure about length and weight but under 2 pounds. She is a strong fighter, and I know in my heart that she will be ok. She kicks her legs and moves her hands a little, can breath on her own but they have her on a respirator so the lungs won't get overworked.

Please keep Angela, Deron and Savannah in your prayers.

Savannah is at the St. Mary's NIC Unit which is the Neonatal Intensive care Unit, and Angela will be at Methodist Hospital for 3 days or so recovering from the c-section. I do not have any pictures yet, as no one expected to take pics of baby, but I will have some pics up within a day or 2. I've already started thinking that some sort of fundraiser in late sumeer early fall will be in order to help with the mounting medical costs. Especially because Savannah won't be able to attend the Reunion in June.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you know what a good uncle you are?! Thanks for posting her pictures above -- they look wonderful!

Your little niece is doing very well. Her weight at birth was 1 pound 11 ounces, or in Mayo language -- 765 grams.

Mommy's home from the hospital (since Thursday afternoon), though most days you'll find us visiting there.

We've found out about carepages, and as time allows, we'll be setting up a web page for Savannah, to make it easier for updates for the family.

There was some thought to removing the respirator tube on Saturday, and they x-rayed her lungs, decided they still looked a bit 'wet,' which isn't a bad thing, but they opted to give her an additional day.

The nurses are just... wow.. is about all I can say. They're amazing people that must have a special place reserved in Heaven for all they do with our babies. It makes it a little easier to come home at night, knowing she's in good care when we're not there.

The biggest news is that during the first 72 hours, premature babies can have brain hemorrhages ("brain bleeds"). Savannah's ultrasound to check for this was Friday and she passed with flying colors and a negative result! The risk for this is decreased to close to zero after the first 72 hours, so now she can start working on breathing on her own.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, Bolin Tribe :) We love you all... and hope to see you at the movie later!